Sunday, April 12, 2015

#SaturdayScenes #TheHumanCondition

It is 4:18 in the morning and this is the first time I've been home all day/night. It's been a long one. Still, I wanted to post a scene for today, so my apologies on the early morning/late posting.

The following scene is from a WIP that I am working on between Kill Match and Riding called The Human Condition. I'm not entirely sure what genre is would be placed in, but probably YA of some sort. There is no magic/fantasy in this one and it takes place here on Earth, in New York City.

Here is the prologue! Please let me know if you think it catches the attention of the reader to continue on to the beginning chapters.



It was late, an hour that most wouldn’t dare to be out at. The time where the darkness is absolute, just moments before the light breaks through for dawn. I hurried my walk, careful to keep my precious cargo from the stinging droplets of rain that slapped at my face. A few eyes from the shadows followed my progress but I knew first hand that they didn’t matter. No one would believe a crack head or a whore, not that I was too concerned about anyone looking for me anyway. It was one of the things I loved about New York. I was easily forgettable.

The wet thunk of shoes against pavement moved me forward. I concentrated on the sound, blocking out all other thoughts. The buildings all leered down on me and I almost missed the one I’d come for. It stood tall and quiet, much like the rest, distinguished only by the golden plaque that hung above the doorway, “Academy of Excellence”. I hated the name with all it’s pompous attitude. It sounded like the private schools my parents could never afford, or for that matter, ones that I never would be able to either. If Dr. Day had not explained the academy’s true intent, I would’ve turned around right then, taking my chances alone.

I scoffed, glad that she had told me about this place. It would be the best for my daughter and I knew it. The pregnancy had been laughable, in a horrific sort of way. It was a one night stand with a man I couldn’t even remember. After my life had fallen apart and my mind had become shattered, I’d turned to alcohol to numb the pain. Knowing what a normal life felt like and having it ripped from me was a reality I couldn’t bare. Finally, when I’d found out I was pregnant I’d searched out help and found Dr. Day. She was the kindest person I’d ever met and when she told me about the program and the research for a cure, I agreed without question.

Only now, standing at the doorstep, did I begin to have second thoughts. A warm hand pulled me into the lobby, the heat from the room blasting my skin dry. I looked into friendly brown eyes and a plump face smiling at me.

“I am so glad you came!”
She hugged me lightly, careful not to jostle my arms. Her genuine excitement helped to ease my nerves. I was doing the right thing. I looked around the barren lobby, hoping to catch a glimpse into her new life.

“Can I… Can I see where she’ll be staying?”
Her smiled dropped, sadness overwhelming the lines.

“I’m sorry. I know this must be devastatingly hard for you. The facility is under complete lockdown. No one but the directors are allowed to leave. Not until the research is over. But I promise you she will be well cared for and safe.”

I gulped back the tears that were trying to form. I would not cry.

“And you promise she won’t be like me? That she won’t end up...crazy.”

I whispered the last part, hating to admit my faults even to someone who knew them well. She put her hand on my shoulder and held my stare with determination.

“I promise. I will care for her as if she were my own.”

I nodded my head, knowing that time was up. I unwrapped my coat from around the baby girl and her brilliant hazel eyes appeared.

“My sweet Maya girl.” I cooed, “Mommy loves you so much. I have to give you a chance to be good, healthy. Normal. I hope in your heart you know you’re the only one I’ve ever loved this much.”

I kissed her forehead, her little hands reaching for me, lightly pulling at escaped strands of hair. I curled my fingers around her as long as I could until fully handing her over to Dr. Day. The tears swelled, raging like a storm that I could no longer control. Before I decided to snatch her back, I ran out of the lobby door into the morning of the streets. I pumped my legs as hard and as far as I could. I had to get away from the decision I’d just made. I found myself chanting into the night, trying to ease my aching heart as best as I could, hoping I didn’t just make another mistake.

“She will be cured.”

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

April Resolutions

Because who in the hell ever keeps January's?

I'm sick, and not the kind of sick where you think you might be sick, I'm actually sick. My throat hates me for coughing so thoroughly and it feels like my body is being a traitor to my soul. OFF WITH HER HEAD! 

If only it were that easy.

The good news is, I'm at the tail end of this infestation of disease, and have thus had an epiphany of how much better my life can get. 

And I've been told I'm not an optimist. PFFT! (I blame the books I've been reading)

Here's where I make the vow of resolution to my hoard of ridiculous problems. Yes I know it's the middle of April. I'm not entirely delusional. But I didn't very well keep the ones I made in January, so I figure what could it hurt for a little brush up 1/3 of the way through the year.

So, I signed us up for dance classes. Because dancing makes everything better. 

I've been to the ballroom school before and I liked it a lot. I used to love to dance. But then life got busy and for some reason I ran out of time to continue it. Same problem happened with healthy home cooked meals. Somehow the two got pushed aside and I realize now that they were really important. Just ask the grudging weight that I can't seem to knock down no matter how far away from my work I park.

I've also come to realize that even though I've always wanted to dance/act/write for a living, I haven't done as much as I should in any of those categories to make it a reality. I watch videos or read books and I think the whole time, "Man, I would really love to do that". 


I've become... ICK.... content.

And in some (i.e. most) cases, too stressed over things that wouldn't matter if I were doing what I loved in the first place. 

Today, well, not today specifically since I am hacking a lung and I'm sure they wouldn't allow me near any humans in public, I am taking a stance against excuses. Simply because I am not getting any younger and if I just sucked it up and started now, later will be so much easier. So much better. 

That's what happens when you do things your body and soul need. You feel better. 



In case you missed the whole point of the blog, the goals are:

1. Eat Better
2. Take dance classes
3. Do more of what I love

I want to hear all of your April resolutions people! I can't be the only one whose slackin'!

Oh, and here's the video that seriously is kicking my butt into dance gear!