Because who in the hell ever keeps January's?
I'm sick, and not the kind of sick where you think you might be sick, I'm actually sick. My throat hates me for coughing so thoroughly and it feels like my body is being a traitor to my soul. OFF WITH HER HEAD!
If only it were that easy.
The good news is, I'm at the tail end of this infestation of disease, and have thus had an epiphany of how much better my life can get.
And I've been told I'm not an optimist. PFFT! (I blame the books I've been reading)
Here's where I make the vow of resolution to my hoard of ridiculous problems. Yes I know it's the middle of April. I'm not entirely delusional. But I didn't very well keep the ones I made in January, so I figure what could it hurt for a little brush up 1/3 of the way through the year.
So, I signed us up for dance classes. Because dancing makes everything better.
I've been to the ballroom school before and I liked it a lot. I used to love to dance. But then life got busy and for some reason I ran out of time to continue it. Same problem happened with healthy home cooked meals. Somehow the two got pushed aside and I realize now that they were really important. Just ask the grudging weight that I can't seem to knock down no matter how far away from my work I park.
I've also come to realize that even though I've always wanted to dance/act/write for a living, I haven't done as much as I should in any of those categories to make it a reality. I watch videos or read books and I think the whole time, "Man, I would really love to do that".
I've become... ICK.... content.
And in some (i.e. most) cases, too stressed over things that wouldn't matter if I were doing what I loved in the first place.
Today, well, not today specifically since I am hacking a lung and I'm sure they wouldn't allow me near any humans in public, I am taking a stance against excuses. Simply because I am not getting any younger and if I just sucked it up and started now, later will be so much easier. So much better.
That's what happens when you do things your body and soul need. You feel better.
In case you missed the whole point of the blog, the goals are:
1. Eat Better
2. Take dance classes
3. Do more of what I love
I want to hear all of your April resolutions people! I can't be the only one whose slackin'!
Oh, and here's the video that seriously is kicking my butt into dance gear!
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